Style Me Article in Mums M@il


Are you a mom who constantly puts her children’s needs above her own? When you doing your groceries, do you pop a little something in your trolley for the kids and walk straight past those gorgeous shoes? This is our natural instinct.

Our focus is our children, our husband might feel neglected to a degree. Your marriage starts taking strain and before you know it you sitting in counselling. It’s time you realize that if you don’t take care of yourself, everything else will suffer.

If you look good, you will feel good. This reflects a positive self-image which will result in positive & improved relationships, which ultimately results in improved performance at work or in your personal life. The first person you should be pleasing is you…without guilt!

We have children and our body shape changes. We don’t ‌fit into the same clothes we wore before pregnancy. Don’t worry about “loosing the weight”, this is a process, it will speed up when you start looking and feeling good about yourself again. Let’s work together by enhancing your assets and disguising the parts you are less proud of.

Style Me has designed a program to help you achieve confidence. We decide on what colours look best on you, we then look at what clothing suits your figure & have a close look at your Style Personality. Lets do an audit of your wardrobe to see what works & what doesn’t. Then comes the exciting part…a Shopping Spree! Followed by Hair & Makeup to complete your look. This can be a life changing experience.

When your husband asks “What would you like for Christmas?”. You tell him “Style Me”, indirectly you will be giving him a gift too!

“Life is too short to wear boring clothes”

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