I can’t believe Mother’s Day has come around so quickly! So the BIG question…What to get your Mom for Mother’s Day or bigger still… if you’re a mom, what would you like for Mother’s Day? It’s always good to whisper in your husband’s ear as your children will be sure to ask him. 🙂
Mother’s Day shopping can be exciting or perhaps stressful if you’re the child. It depends if you know exactly what your mom wants, or if you have the budget to get what she wants. You could try looking here for some Mother’s Day deals as many retailers offer good suggestions at discount prices when Mother’s Day is coming up.
Of course, Mother’s Day isn’t just about buying gifts, sometimes it’s a fantastic day out… or… perhaps Mother’s Day can be a combination of both! Because I have some exciting news! Why not spoil your mom & yourself, OR your best friend & yourself with a 3hr Shopping Spree? Start building your Winter Wardrobe with a few key items and at a discount.
Buy 1 X 3hr Shopping Spree and save 75% off Mom’s Spree.
FREE Tea/Coffee & Cake Treat (nice!)
3hrs – R2650 for You + R660 for Mom
Total: R3310
* This Offer is for two people shopping together with a total of 3hrs plus an extra 1hr FREE for coffee & cake/ getting to know you.
Building relationships and thoughtful gifts are really important so why not do both of these together!
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!