Kim Melrose Styled: Before & After

“Style: because your personality isn’t the first thing people see.”

Kim & I had two fabulous days together! Day 1 was the Colour & Figure analysis, Kim’s colouring was Spring which is a warm palette. We had fun using a few of her colours in the photoshoot. After analysing Kim’s Clothing Style personality we discovered that she was predominantly Natural with elements of Romance filtering through. This was fun when shopping for her and putting the outfits together for the photoshoot with Eileen from Bright Girl Photography. Eileen’s pics of Kim are absolutely amazing as I’m sure you would agree!

imageDay 2 was Hair by Vanessa, which as you can see was totally transforming. Well done Vanessa, you are the best! After hair came make up with Aldytha from Make Up Your Mind, Al is incredible when it comes to enhancing a woman’s natural beauty. What a fabulous team!


“Thank you so much Daniyel for an amazing experience!! I so thoroughly enjoyed my time with you. You certainly have an amazing talent. I walked away from my time with you feeling rejuvenated and beautiful! Also a lot more confident in myself. I look forward to some shopping time with you in the near future. What a Blessing it was having Vanessa doing my hair and Al from Make Up Your Mind for all the Make up tips. Eileen from Bright Girl just made my afternoon with the fun photo shoot. I felt like a Model!! All in all a fantastic two day with amazing ladies.” – Kim Melrose


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