How to get ready in 15 minutes

Ok, at this point my husband has opened this article and gone “What!!!? My wife…never!…this is going to be amusing!!” And this is why I have decided to write this article! This last week, I have had my 3yr old daughter in hospital (she is on the mend), and I’ve had to get ready super quick. Very little thought required. Note to my husband “I will not be applying these rules daily-so don’t get too excited!”. I actually do enjoy taking time to get dressed-I find it therapeutic & creative. I love trying new things. Getting ready in 15 minutes is only possible if you don’t have toddler interruptions, add an extra 15 minutes if this is the case! Read below for tips when life doesn’t allow you that leisure time & you need to move..quickly!

1.  Plan the night before: Shower, wash & blow dry hair. Touch up with a flat iron in the morning if necessary.

2. Have 3 hairstyles you can do quickly! Try the sock bun, it’s so easy to do. You can buy a circular tube now instead of using a sock. It looks really sophisticated. They are also instyle wear it now! Your hair doesn’t have to be clean to do it.

3. Decide on one or two outfits the night before so you are not scrambling to find your  jeans. Keep your favorite accessories readily available so you can just throw them on.image4. Get organized: Being organized can shave 5-10minutes off your morning routine. Keep your space organized so you don’t have to search for products every time you get ready.

5. Keep your shoes/handbag/car keys/water bottle etc in one place so they are easily accessible. I always find I’m scrambling for my keys in the morning, it can drive you crazy and add extra stress to your morning.


6. Have a quick look that you can do in 5 minutes flat. Practice on the weekend when you have more time.
Learn the 5 minute face:
Foundation/Tinted moisturizer
Blemish stick
Eyebrows-frame face
Nude/shimmer oyster shadow
Lipstick – Red
Eyeliner or a wing eye if you can do it in 5 mins

7. Red lipstick is the new, ultimate glamour statement. You can turn that “whatever!”  look into “I’ve got it together”  look. It has become the “go-to” look for fashion icons like Kate Moss & Anne Hathaway.

8. Keep a little bag in the console of your car. In it put an extra deodorant, tampons, a perfume atomizer, hairbrush & hair bands. A few added extras on the make up side for emergencies.

Let me know if you have any other tips that help you get ready with speed in the mornings, I would love to hear from you!

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