7 Habits of Highly Stylish Women

After going on more than 10 buying trips to Paris, I realized that Parisian women are probably the most stylish women in the world. These women don’t have the space for walk-in wardrobes, yet they somehow manage to look effortlessly chic. How do they do it? Let’s take a look at what they would have in their two door closets.  I think we could learn a few style tips from these beautifully styled women. Focus on these 7 Habits to make dressing in the mornings painless.
 So what items are we going to put into our small wardrobes? These are a few investment pieces you need to create your capsule wardrobe. They will vary depending on your personality & lifestyle. Put together a few to suit YOU! Remember to add 5 new items seasonally, that way you keep your wardrobe current. Now go and shop your wardrobe and see what key items you already have & what you still need to invest in. Have fun!…contact me if you need help. 

A Capsule Wardrobe is a collection of a few investment items of clothing which won’t  go out of fashion. (Seen below) These items can be worn with a few seasonal key pieces which will help your wardrobe develop further.


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