Processed with MOLDIV

Laura-Leigh Styled: Before & After

“Just because you don’t have a prince, doesn’t mean you’re not a Princess.” Read Laura-Leigh’s story about how she has developed confidence through this life changing experience.

“Well my mom spoilt me with a wonderful course done by Daniyel Berry at Style Me. The course was on how to pack your luggage in 7kgs and still get over 74 outfits. I was absolutely shocked that this was possible. We had an awesome champagne breakfast at the course.

A week later I met with Daniyel to do an extreme makeover. She decluttered my wardrobe of accessories, bags, shoes and clothes. I learned so much from her, like which colour palettes I should wear with my skin tone and what garments suit my body shape. It was a breathe of fresh air as I have been through so much in the last 15 months. My life has changed drastically when I fell pregnant, got married, had a premature baby and divorce all at once. Along with the support of my mom, this experience has been amazing as it has boosted my confidence and outlook on life. I never knew something as simple as a wardrobe change would make me feel this good. I now have a personal shopper, Daniyel Berry, who is a lovely, pleasant & fabulous woman. I don’t have to shop again for myself. Thank you so much mom, I love and appreciate you for giving me an experience of a life time. Here are a few photo’s of my journey with Style Me.” – Laura-Leigh Jasmin

I love this pic of Laura-Leigh, you can see the confidence & strength coming through strongly. “Character, Intelligence, strength, STYLE. That makes beauty.” – Dianne von Furstenberg

Laura-Leigh, you are such a strong woman to have gone through so much in the last year. You are a conqueror!

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Laura-Leigh loves make up, she loves experimenting with new shades. Today I decided to give her a very natural eye with an exciting pop of colour by adding a fuscia lip. We had a make up lesson at the same time!

Thank you goes to Eileen from Brightgirl Photography for capturing Laura-Leigh’s beautiful personality. Eileen really draws out the best in her clients. Without Vanessa, my clients would not look this glam. I love working with Vanessa! She has unbelievable talent when it comes to hair. Hair by Vanessa.

Processed with MOLDIVI went through Laura-Leigh’s wardrobe, photographed every item we were keep & then took pics of what we bought, I then put together 20 capsules of how to put her wardrobe together. Below is one of the capsules she received.


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Laura-Leigh, Daniyel Berry & Lizanne Jasmin (Laura’s Mom) The end to an exciting day but the start of a new life and a new Laura-Leigh!





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