A great team building morning for your employees & yourself.
Wearing the correct colours could make or break your next deal.
What are you saying by what you wear?
Each lady will be Colour coded & receive their own personal
Colour Cards which will make life super easy. Date: Wednesday, 21st June Time: 8am for 8.30am start – 11am Venue: Bellevue Cafe, Kloof Cost: R650 pp
Looking forward to spending a fabulous morning together!
Yours in Style
I am absolutely passionate about this video! Many have watched it using the word “Shocking!!” to describe it. I use the word “Brilliant!”. Society has brainwashed us into believing that we should be perfect. We need to view magazines as inspiration for fashion trends & beauty tips, not a measuring stick for our self-confidence. Stop taking it personally, we are human, we are real, we are not Barbie dolls. Lets embrace our perfect imperfections because ultimately that is the true essence of beauty.
I have consulted many clients who do not feel confident in the sexuality. This is because they lack the security & confidence of living in their skin. They believe they are not deserving of pleasure. This certainly affects the way they perform in the bedroom, let alone how they perform in the work place. A negative body image is sabotaging your femininity as well as your personal growth, development & confidence. Why do this to yourself?
Listen to the words you keep saying to yourself in your head. If this was an external person would you be friends with them? We are constantly beating ourselves up. We crit ourselves severely from the bags under our eyes to our cellulite. We need to practice authenticity, it is a daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are. Be the best YOU can be! Be comfortable in your skin. Don’t compare notes.
Keep your coffee in one hand and your confidence in the other:)
When we say “Dressing for Success on a Budget”, we automatically think of a wardrobe full of clothing from a cheaper store. Not so. You need very little clothing to dress for Success. It’s about quality, style and how you mix & match. What you are going to do is invest in key items in good quality fabrics with a fabulous fit. These items should be timeless and should last you at least 5 years if not longer. You are then going to add more on trend items to this collection of basics to extend your wardrobe and take it that much further.
Here are 10 Tips on other ways to Dress for Success on a Budget:
Spring Clean your Wardrobe, you may find items you forgot about & you can re-use or put together differently. Donate your shoes to the Robinhood Foundation.
Visit your Tailor. Alter a garment. Slim down a leg or shorten a skirt. Change the buttons. These ideas can automatically revitalize a garment.
Swop clothes with a friend who is the same size. Why not organise a “Swop Party”?
Update your wardrobe with a TREND Colour to suit your Colouring. Have a look at the latest Pantone Report for Spring/Summer 2016/17. Book a Colour Analysis to find out your season and which colours make you radiate.
Add a current Accessory. This will immediately update your wardrobe.
Invest in more plains and less prints. You will have more to work with. Prints are limiting & date easily. Know what prints are classics & which ones are trends. Classics will last longer.
Keep an eye out for Sales, buy investment pieces on Sale from good quality stores.
Follow the 70/30 Rule: 70% Timeless garments & 30% Wow factor items. Put these together & you have 100% Success.
Work out the “Budget Cost per Wear Formula”: Cost R100, Wear it 10x in a year = R10 per wear. This way you can see if buying that garment is worth it.
Mix & Match – Can the garment work with another 3-5 Styles in your wardrobe? We need to be able to create different outfits by utilizing the same garment.
Go ahead! Give it a try! You will be surprised how easy it is. If you battling, give me a shout and I can help you to look your best.
“Just because you don’t have a prince, doesn’t mean you’re not a Princess.” Read Laura-Leigh’s story about how she has developed confidence through this life changing experience.
“Well my mom spoilt me with a wonderful course done by Daniyel Berry at Style Me. The course was on how to pack your luggage in 7kgs and still get over 74 outfits. I was absolutely shocked that this was possible. We had an awesome champagne breakfast at the course.
A week later I met with Daniyel to do an extreme makeover. She decluttered my wardrobe of accessories, bags, shoes and clothes. I learned so much from her, like which colour palettes I should wear with my skin tone and what garments suit my body shape. It was a breathe of fresh air as I have been through so much in the last 15 months. My life has changed drastically when I fell pregnant, got married, had a premature baby and divorce all at once. Along with the support of my mom, this experience has been amazing as it has boosted my confidence and outlook on life. I never knew something as simple as a wardrobe change would make me feel this good. I now have a personal shopper, Daniyel Berry, who is a lovely, pleasant & fabulous woman. I don’t have to shop again for myself. Thank you so much mom, I love and appreciate you for giving me an experience of a life time. Here are a few photo’s of my journey with Style Me.” – Laura-Leigh Jasmin
I love this pic of Laura-Leigh, you can see the confidence & strength coming through strongly. “Character, Intelligence, strength, STYLE. That makes beauty.” – Dianne von Furstenberg
Laura-Leigh, you are such a strong woman to have gone through so much in the last year. You are a conqueror!
Laura-Leigh loves make up, she loves experimenting with new shades. Today I decided to give her a very natural eye with an exciting pop of colour by adding a fuscia lip. We had a make up lesson at the same time!
Thank you goes to Eileen from Brightgirl Photography for capturing Laura-Leigh’s beautiful personality. Eileen really draws out the best in her clients. Without Vanessa, my clients would not look this glam. I love working with Vanessa! She has unbelievable talent when it comes to hair. Hair by Vanessa.
I went through Laura-Leigh’s wardrobe, photographed every item we were keep & then took pics of what we bought, I then put together 20 capsules of how to put her wardrobe together. Below is one of the capsules she received.
Laura-Leigh, Daniyel Berry & Lizanne Jasmin (Laura’s Mom) The end to an exciting day but the start of a new life and a new Laura-Leigh!
Walking into a room filled with tables laden with jewelry, makeup, clothing, cupcakes, champagne and much more. With so much to do you are happy you chose to visit the women’s expo today.
Getting handed a little goodie bag and knowing it will be filled with beautiful things by the end of the day puts a smile on your face.
The music sets a perfect atmosphere as you start to wonder around the expo admiring the delightful array of stands. Something catches your attention as you see the most beautiful range of stunning accessories, ranging from statement necklaces to watches. As you move further along the table you see a banner which says ‘STYLE ME Image Consultanting’. You look down at your outfit and think a ‘STYLE ME Makeover’ is a must! As you read more about the different packages STYLE ME has to offer, you start to realize how important it really is to know what colours suit you & what would suit your figure type. You want to know how to put your wardrobe together to save time & money.
You explore a few more of the different stands and stop to get a cappuccino and a delicious aero bubbly cupcake to boost your energy.
You start filing your bag with a whole lot of different items from all the different stands.
As you carry on walking you walk past the auditorium where a few amazing presenters are doing talks and presentations. You see people start to fill the chairs and you do the same. Daniyel Berry from STYLE ME is doing the presentation. She is speaking on ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Stylish Women’ you feel enlightened and decide to listen.
At the end of her very interesting interactive presentation you quickly hurry back to her stand and book a make over session for next week with style me. You can’t wait to be transformed into a highly stylish woman.
The rest of the day is filled with browsing stores, meeting South African celebrities, cocktails, fashion shows and much more.
What an eventful fun filled day it has been!
Blog by: Hannah Blewett
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